Welcome to Transform Like You Mean It

My name is Heidi. I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer in Chicago, Illinois.  I have lost 180 pounds on my own journey to health and fitness and now I am using my experience and knowledge to help others along their journey. I want to help inspire, motivate and encourage others. I will post weekly fitness tips, advice, and workouts along with recipes to set you up for success on your journey. Please feel free to contact me via email  or in the comments. You can also follow me on Facebook and/or Instagram for an extra boost of fun, motivation, and fitspiration.

Facebook: Heidi Nikohle Khalili

Instagram: transformlikeyoumeanit

If there any suggestions or topics you’d like to see me cover, please feel free to let me know. I will reply to all questions and comments as quick as possible.


In the meantime, be well, stay active, and enjoy your journey.


Yours Truly,

Heidi Nikohle


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